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Posted 16th July 2021 Read time: 1 min Editorials

3D Group has expanded the team significantly since its opening. From there, the team has grown from a desk in a back room with a locksmith testing new products; to now, where there is a dedicated team of quality control experts. Developing a team was essential to keep up with the saturated market. New products are developed and made available to the market so often that it would be impossible to maintain a high level of standards across the industry without quality testing.

3D Group employs three quality control technicians with a wealth of knowledge and experience within the auto locksmith industry.

Matt, our most experienced quality control technician, who has been working at 3D Group for over five years, has seen the market expand and diversify. This development has brought its challenges, and Matt believes it is due to the saturation of the aftermarket products developed globally. As not all manufacturers adhere to high-quality assurance standards here at 3D Group UK, and so all products are tested to the same standard regardless of the country of origin.

In this image, displayed is one of the quality issues that the team at 3D Group will find. The quality control team will report this to the manufacturer, and then we will start a process of improvement to ensure improvement and consistency in the future. Without the fantastic working relationship with the manufacturers, this wouldn’t be possible.

Car keys with faults

With upcoming plans to expand the business and move to larger premises, there are also plans to expand the QC team. Allowing 3D Group to efficiently quality test more stock and give more time to the suppliers, building on the existing relationships.

This growth is necessary to keep up with the ever-expanding market within the auto locksmith industry. There are always new tools and products released, and our team like to be on the ball and start testing these as soon as they are released. This is one of the reasons 3D Group can be confident in the products we sell supply because our focused team are devoted to ensuring the quality of all products, new or old.


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